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2018 Annual Meeting Notes

2018/2019 Year in Review


PHA Board/ PHA Committees -Major Accomplishments


  1. Worked with BGE and the City to fully pave the roads impacted by the BGE replacement project.

  2. Worked with BGE and the City to resolve damage to members’ homes and landscaping caused by repaving.,

  3. Worked with BGE and the City to address water management issues, which resulted in new curbs and drainage on Bellemore Road.

  4. Assisted a member with their issue with the City about a storm drain problem.   

  5. Worked with the City to develop a process which will allow Poplar Hill Road homeowners to apply for a permit to repair or replace in-kind aging septic systems

  6. Successfully lead an effort with City communities to request the City and/ or State to perform a traffic study on the Fall Road corridor and the Falls Road/ Northern Parkway intersection to identify short- and long-term approaches to improve traffic flow.  The City has produced a preliminary proposal for a traffic study based on input from the “Greater Roland Park Presidents Group”, including the PHA.

  7. Continued a cross community effort to have the State Police patrol I-83 to free up Northern and Central District Police to fight crime. Unfortunately, Governor Larry Hogan denied our request. We plan to continue to pursue this.

  8. Updated the PHA bylaws. See the PHA website  (


Other Activities and Accomplishments


  • Roads

    • Worked with DOT to fill pot holes on Poplar Hill Road

    • Continued to work with Major Gibson of the Northern District Police department with support from Councilman Schleifer to periodically patrol Bellemore Road to enforce traffic laws.

    • Worked with the City to install a street light at Bellemore Road/ Winding Way

  • Zoning and Development

    • Monitoring the status of the court’s decision regarding the proposed Overlook apartment building – no decision yet. The PHA agreement with Blue Ocean terminates on January 1, 2020 if substantial foundation work is not completed by January 1, 2020 and the Owner decides to sell the land.  If the Covenant terminates, we will not have the protections set forth in the covenant agreement with the new owner.

    • Monitoring the status of the sale of the Ilmanen property. A portion of the property has been sold to an individual.

    • Monitoring the sale of the St. Joseph’s Manor property. Boys Latin has an option to purchase the property. PHA is discussing with Boys Latin our interest in keeping the open space land adjacent to the Bellemore Road homes as close to the current state as possible.

    • Monitoring the status of the Corner Community Center. The deed has been recorded in the name of the Corner Community Center.

    • Approved the conditional zoning request for the Ivy Bookshop’s move to 5928 Falls Road. The Land Use Committee and the Board approved the request.

  • Community Involvement

    • Supporting the Corner Community Center toward its survival and viability

    • Maintained website and provided information to PHA members

    • Held 2 roll-off events for disposal of bulk trash items

    • Successfully lobbied for a recyclable container at the Roland Avenue bus stop.

    • Held our second successful PHA Neighborhood Potluck. We had 3 dinners with around 24 people participating

    • Led meetings with Presidents of the Greater Roland Park neighborhoods to identify and work together on shared priorities

    • Participated in

      • Northern District Police community meetings

      • 5th District Community Council

      • State Senator and Delegate Forum

      • Greater Roland Park Presidents Group


Committee 2019/2020 Priorities


Road Use (Chair: Louise Ramm) 


  1. Work with the community and DOT to address the ownership and responsibilities for maintaining our streets, addressing storm water management and connecting to city sewers (for those members who have septic systems) Note: this may require street – by –street meetings to ensure that the Board understands the property owners’ positions.

  2. Address traffic volume on Bellemore Road

    1. Pursue a larger “no turn” sign

    2. Talk with schools about use of Bellemore in the morning

    3. Continue to request Northern District Police to patrol Bellemore Road on a periodic basis to enforce the restricted turn and speeding laws

  3. Consider potential addition of street lights on Poplar Hill streets

    1. Ask residents on a street by street basis if they are interested in additional street lights

    2. Request s street light study if residents are interested


Land Use (Chair: Neil McAslan)

  1. Continue to monitor the status of property and the potential sale of the larger properties (Ilmanen, St. Joseph Manor & Corner Community Center). Represent PHA’s best interests, including if and when a zoning change or variance is requested.

  2. Monitor governmental actions that affect Poplar Hill land use and pro-actively advocate for actions that are in PHA’s best interests.

  3. Comply with the Building Guidelines and inform the PHA Community about land use issues


Media  (Chair: Andy Frake)

  1. Continue reviewing the use and effectiveness of PHA website and email communications by reviewing usage statistics and surveying PHA members

  2. Update website and send emails/ other communications to PHA members in a timely manner

    1. Website will be mostly static

      1. Contain only information specifically relevant to Poplar Hill

    2. PHA news items will continue to be sent via e-mail

    3. The Board encourages all members to sign up for Baltimore City information of interest. Go to:


Community Relations (Chair: TBD)

  1. Monitor the Corner Community Center and support their efforts to be a successful community center

  2. Crime & Safety

    1. Participate in the Northern District Police Community bi-monthly meetings

    2. Identify issues and solutions for our community


Events  (Chair – TBD)

  1. Contact new property owners and invite them to join our association

  2. Hold neighborhood events

    1. 3rd Annual Potluck dinner – if sufficient interest

    2. Annual meeting/ party

    3. Family event – if sufficient interest

    4. Other events?



2019/2020 PHA Board Objectives:


  • Continue to seek increased community involvement  - If a member has time to contribute and interest in a particular area (s) please join the related committee or request to join the Board.

  • Continue being pro-active in keeping abreast of City and State developments that impact our neighborhood and lobbying for our best interests

  • Continue being pro-active in identifying opportunities to improve our community  (land use, road use, community events, safety) 

  • Continue to communicate with our residents (timely respond to member questions and comments, “open door policy”).   If a member has a question or comment, they may contact the President of the PHA or a Board member who will respond or connect them with the appropriate person / organization.

  • Continue to work with other neighborhood communities on issues of common interest or to obtain information from communities who have successfully addressed issues our community is trying to address.

  • Continue working with our Council Representative, the Mayor’s office, and our State representatives to establish criteria for sites to sell non-medical marijuana should marijuana become legal.

  • Continue working on current projects

    • Traffic study for the Falls Road corridor and the intersection of Falls Road and Northern Parkway

    • Lobbying for State Police patrol of I-83

    • Lobbying for appropriate zoning for recreational marijuana sales locations should recreational marijuana become legal

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