Serving Our Community Since 1956
2024 Poplar Hill Association Annual Meeting
September 29, 2024
Treasurer’s Report (Louise)
Election of Board Members
Re-Elected to new two-year terms
· Jay Newman, Neil McAslan, Louise Ramm, Andy Frake, Eileen D’Andrea
· New board member elected (two-year term) Cristina Nigro
Remaining (In 2nd year of two-year terms)
· Sue Joslow, Idalis Bicknell, Harry Quigley, Katherine Lundy
Updates provided by Elected Officials
· Councilman Isaac “Yitzy” Schleifer
· Delegate Sandy Rosenberg
· Delegate Malcolm Ruff
Community Issues Updated - Jay
Clarks Hill/Lower Poplar Hill Water Reliability
· Water out 6 times in 6 years. (3 times in last 9 months)
· Will meet with senior DPW officials to seek a plan to improve ongoing situation.
Plans to Develop Land at Northern & Falls (Above Shell Station & Apartment Building)
· Appears groups opposing original plan to build another high-rise, high-density apartment building have been successful.
· Several community group heads (including) myself negotiated a much smaller assisted living project with commitment to leave 12 acres as wooded preserve. Met last week with new development group – moving ahead…awaiting city permits.
BGE Gas Main/Service Line Replacement (lower Poplar Hill Rd. & Clarks Hill)
· Original Plan was 2024…. now pushed off to back half 2025
Public/Private Roads Dispute w/ City
Jay Provided History of dispute.
· Dispute involves: All roads EXCEPT Bellemore…
· City has for decades provided maintenance & paving on roads as part of city services
· When there have been issues in the past – the associations have always been able to work something out with past administrations to get at least most severe areas repaired.
· Since Scott Administration – taken the stand that roads are private, and they will not continue to pave and do major repairs.
· City position – Roads are private owned by residents….
· Association Position – Roads are public, and the city should continue to maintain as they have for 50+ years. Association hired expert and former attorney who concluded there is legal support for our position that roads are publicly owned
· After countless hours, meetings, e mails, calls we have basically hit a wall with current administration in resolving this dispute
· Options to think about:
Do Nothing
Part of PHR & Clarks currently is very bad shape.
Waycrest, Winding, Harriton, Bryn Mawr we got paved by BGE through a complicated agreement with the past city administration that also got the city to pave Bellemore.
However, all these roads will continue to deteriorate over time.
Set Up a Road Maintenance Association
· Homeowners would contribute several probably several thousand dollars a year to build up reserve for road maintenance.
· Only thing the city has offered is $50k of paving now (which will cover only a very small area of road) – if resident permanently give up any claims of ownership.
Sue the city (litigation)
· Attorneys would argue that roads have been fully open to the public for 50+ years and the city has performed paving & maintenance for 50+ years and therefore they are city roads.
(Would cite previous state court rulings involving disputes in other counties to support that claim)
· City would argue they have a local ordinance that allows them to work on private roads at their discretion under “police powers” to make them safe for travel
· Litigation is Expense but appears to be only way to resolve the issue.
· Have talked to (2) law firms who specialize in real estate law in Baltimore City. Estimates for litigation are around $100k. (Depending on level of homeowner participation – wed probably be
Looking at 3 to 4k per home on impacted streets.
Think about – loop back with everybody later in year to gauge level of interest.